
Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo.

SKU: G0610.0100 Category:


Agile and easy-to-maneuver Allmäher with traditional 2-stroke engine

A classic 3-wheel concept Allmäher, the AS 21 2T ES is equipped with the world’s only 2-stroke engine that meets the requirements stipulated by the EU Emissions Directive 97/68/EC. The AS 2-stroke engine maintains engine lubrication regardless of position, enabling work on inclines of 45 degrees and more without the risk of engine damage. In addition, the AS 2-stroke engine is factory-equipped with an EasyStart function; the CDI digital ignition system cuts the rpms required to start in half. Air for the engine is suctioned in via a factory-installed, high-positioned snorkel filter, supplying the engine with dust-free air while the 2-stroke engine’s high torque provides full power in high grass. A third crankshaft bearing and friction discs on the wing blade protect the engine in the event of unseen obstacles. Large wheels with aggressive tread offer ideal propulsion at speeds up to 2.8 km/h.

Agile maneuvering thanks to the 3-wheel concept

The AS 21 2T ES is ideally suited for mowing on angles and curves. The swivel front wheel can be mechanically stopped diagonal to the slope, ensuring stability and comfortable work. The operating bar can be adjusted laterally and for height without the use of tools.
Work rates reaching 1,400 m² per hour are possible due to a powerful 2-stroke engine with up to 6.7 hp and a 51 cm cutting width. Cutting heights can be easily adjusted within the range of 55–80 mm via four height levels on the front wheel and two height levels on the rear wheels. The AS 21 2T ES easily handles grass up to 90 cm high.


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